Magnified illustration with the word Social Media on white background.
5 tips to make a truly effective social media marketing. How to make a really effective social media marketing? What are the most valid suggestions? Social networks represent a truly amazing pool of users; the numbers are clear: to find new possible customers, you need to contact them. It is also true, however, that despite so much population, it is not always possible to achieve one’s goals. It must be remembered that updating the Facebook algorithm has made the work of companies struggling with social media more difficult. In fact, in 2017 a 20% fall in the engagement of posts on the Social Blu was recorded, in particular, posts with links or images. The organic reach has, in fact, dropped a lot last year.
Carefully choose the goal of the campaign
The first point to be established is the goal of the campaign. What is the purpose of your advertising? Have more visibility on the company website? Do lead generation or increase sales? Knowing what is the goal of your campaign allows you to produce the most effective announcement because it is aimed at achieving it. Proceeding randomly, without a carefully designed. And analyzed project, almost always does not lead anywhere. And in all cases limits the expected results of a social media marketing campaign.
Select the most suitable social network
Not all social networks work for all companies. It makes no sense to invest in a campaign on a social network that is not suitable for a given company. So you need to select the most suitable platform. Such as? You can deduce this information by evaluating the results of previous campaigns on different social networks: which platform worked best? Or in the absence of these data, you can evaluate the work of competitors to understand in which social arenas have mainly moved their activities. In general, however, there are general statistics that describe the socio-demographic characteristics of users of each social network and the prevailing methods of their use, so before choosing where to launch a campaign should be documented.
Build the audience patiently
Building the public of one’s online communication is not easy. It is a painstaking work of analysis and reflection. The most important thing is that most likely it will be necessary to carry out different tests, test different types of public, varying one component rather than another. And performing A / B test to see which ad has the best effects. We must always keep in mind that in the social networks the ads allow the public to interact: Aim at this aspect with campaigns that involve the highest degree the audience is more convenient than trying to gain the attention of users with static content and not inclined to stimulate interactions and direct participation.
Publish native ads suitable for each social
When choosing the content to be published as an advertisement. You need to focus on integrating the advertisement with respect to the social feed. An announcement that is immediately perceived as advertising will be ignored. In the ideation of the content we must always have two aspects in mind: What can most affect the attention and gain the interest of the relevant public. And what form to give the message to be more convincing. And appreciable in each social. A perfect listing for Facebook may be laughable on LinkedIn and inappropriate on Instagram.
Respect the phases of the sales funnel
The definition of the specific sales funnel for your company is among the preliminary operations of your social media marketing plan. It is necessary to ask first: the people to whom the advertisement or in general the published content are direct have already gained interest in buying what we propose? Proposing the purchase of a discounted 10% tie may not get any results if the public who sees the advert is not interested in buying because it has not been appropriately stimulated to pose the problem of a purchase.
We must keep in mind that no one goes to social networks with the intention of buying something. It is in social media to spend time, to talk with other users. To learn about various content, for leisure. But never with the aim of buying. Directly proposing a purchase can, however, bring good results. But often it is not the best way to attract the public to the company’s proposals. Many times it is better to propose content that is more distant from the attempt to sell directly: proposing a post with the fashion trends of ties for the current year can give better results than a barker announcement.
Companies that know how to do social media marketing effectively are repaid by a better relationship with their audience. And a growth in turnover over time. On the contrary, those who invest in social networks in a naive. And without precise skills on how to communicate throw away money without seeing a significant return on investment. There are two ways in which businesses can make the most of the exceptional social media opportunities for online marketing. The first is to assign the work of social media marketing to one or more internal resources really experienced in this kind of activity.
In both cases, we at Communication Village can give you a hand. If you want to train your internal resources so that they acquire strong competencies in social media marketing. And in general in web marketing, our courses designed specifically for companies are the ideal solution. Alternatively, we can make available to your company our team specialized in all the most effective forms of digital marketing. So as to ensure a concrete and measurable growth of your company taking full advantage of all opportunities existing online.