Facebook Messenger many months went from being part of the “main” application to become an independent apps trying to fight in a country ruled by applications such as WhatsApp, Line and segment Telegram ago. Even as independent, Facebook Messenger still become an interesting proposition for all, and so far, except a few exceptions all those wishing to use this application must be compulsorily an account created in Facebook, which for many seems unattractive and makes them discard input Facebook Messenger. This reality will change starting today.
A month ago, Facebook began allowing use Facebook Messenger in Canada, United States, Peru and Venezuela without the user having an account on Facebook, now they have expanded worldwide.
The new way of functioning of Facebook Messenger has two ways of logging, the first is through your Facebook account, as it worked so far, and the other way is through your phone number, if the same as we do in the most popular messaging applications like WhatsApp.
Facebook Messenger had in May with 600 million active users, far less than WhatsApp, but still a lot of people who can not be ignored. The development of this platform has not stopped messaging is one of the priorities within Facebook, in fact recently included the possibility that payments between users using only Facebook Messenger, which in Whatsapp or smell still be made.
So Facebook continues to implement improvements in messaging application, which gradually leveled this apps with the rest, he has even made improvements that competitors are not in their plans as is the payment between users within the same messaging platform , which strangely does not seem an option on WhatsApp, Facebook and this property.