When we talk about the Internet and networks there are a series of basic Internet concepts that it is essential to know. Not only to understand different articles, guides and case studies. But also to be able to establish a nucleus on which to expand our knowledge effectively.
In this article, we will review ten basic concepts about the Internet and networks that are used frequently and that are fundamental. I know most of you will sound, but this article will help you fully understand its meaning.
Five basic Internet concepts and networks
We start at the base, what is the Internet? We can define it as a decentralized set of communication networks that are interconnected, which allows us to navigate from one to another without problems.
Its base is in the family of TCP / IP protocols, which guarantees that the heterogeneous physical networks that compose it form a unique logical network of worldwide scope. As many of our readers will know, its origins go back to 1969. When ARPANET was born, the first connection between computers.
2-Network card
It is a computer component in the form of a card that connects to the motherboard of a computer. And has the necessary components for the computer to connect to the Internet. Or a local network, either wirelessly or wired.
The current network cards have both wired ( Ethernet ) and wireless ( Wi-Fi ) connections.
It is an external device that acts as a system in charge of establishing a connection to the Internet, either wirelessly or wired.
To carry out its work, it constantly sends and receives data packets, which allows it to interconnect subnetworks. Said in a simple way, is responsible for establishing communication and coordination between the PC that connects to a web page or service and the server that hosts that website or provides such service.
It is a markup language that is used for the development of Internet pages. These abbreviations refer to “HyperText Markup Language”. And it is a standard that serves as a structure and basic code for the definition of the content of a web page.
Said in a simpler way, it is the standard that has been imposed in the visualization of web pages, which all current browsers have adopted and which has made it possible for the Internet to be a unified global network.
5-World Wide Web
It is a standardized system for the distribution of hypertext or hypermedia documents interconnected and accessible through the Internet. Its creation was possible thanks to HTML, as we said before.
With a web browser, we can visualize web pages that can contain texts, images, videos or other multimedia content. And browse through these pages using hyperlinks, which allow access to different resources referenced directly. In short, it is the basis of modern Internet navigation that we all know. And that allows you to jump from one side to another through links.