If you don’t know how to edit videos, you are at serious risk of not being seen by your audience. And, no, I’m not saying that to scare you.
But be warned: just for you to have a notion, by 2020, the forecast is that 75% of all mobile traffic in the world is to access video content.
And even today, in 2019, most people would rather watch a video than read about a product. That is, if you are not yet producing video content, the chances are that part of your audience is ignoring you.
And not because you are not interested in your product or service, but because you are not offering content in the most consumed format.
Now, one thing is also certain: there is no point in just making a video for making and editing anyway. Putting it in the movie maker can do it. Knowing how to edit well is what sets you apart and stands out among your competitors.
How to edit your videos?
So, continue with me that I will show you step by step that the video team here at the company does, the main programs to edit and 6 tips to raise the level of your editing.
Let’s go?
If you are already thinking about opening the video editing program and importing all the files you intend to edit, wait a minute.
Because the process of editing video is a lot like taking a trip.
You don’t just pick up the clothes in your wardrobe, throw them in the bag anyway and get in the car without knowing where to go.
And if you risk doing that, the chances of going wrong are great.
For example, you may not have enough gas or money to get somewhere smoothly. The clothes in your bag may not be appropriate for the weather.
Therefore, even people who like to travel without much planning, prepare in some way.
The same thing is to video editing. Before you start to cut the raw material, that is, the complete recorded video without edits, you need to prepare to embark on this journey by going through these 3 steps.
1. Set the video intent
It is like defining the destination of the trip. You will only be able to trace a route once you know where you are going.
The same thing is to a good video. You can only decide which the best sections are when you know what you want to achieve, what is your ultimate goal.
What kind of reaction do you want to cause in your audience? What do you want people to think or learn after watching the video? Keep Reading funny videos maker app
2. Define the elements of the video
If you are going to travel to a cold place, you know that you need to bring cold clothes, gloves, caps.
You may not necessarily know which exact parts you are going to take. But knowing what you need is the first step to start organizing your suitcase.
After defining what message you want to get across, you need to select the elements that are needed to prove your point.
For example, to show how your product or service transforms people’s lives, you need success stories, testimonials from customers who have had their lives transformed.
3. Select the material
Now that you know exactly what you need, you can start looking at the raw material and selecting the parts you plan to use.
Returning to the previous example: if what you need to show how your product or service transforms people’s lives is testimonials.
When it comes to selecting the material, you know that you will need people talking about the result of your product or service in their lives.
Knowing exactly what elements you need to convey your point, it is easier to select the sections that should be included in the video.
Step by step how to edit videos
Now that you’ve selected the material to use for editing, it’s time to get your hands dirty. Regardless of the program, you decide to use (I’ll tell you about it later), the steps for editing a video are almost the same. The main differences between software are in the features they offer, in appearance and shortcuts. But the basics, beans and rice, are the same.
# 1 Import the files into the editing program
The first thing you should do is import the files that you have already selected to use in your video. You will place them inside the project in the editing program.
This can be done in different ways depending on the program. The most common are:
Drag the files from the location where they are saved to the program or search the menus for importing files.
# 2 Cut the sections you are going to use
There are two ways to do this. The simplest is to put the raw video you want to edit right on the timeline and cut where you want it to start and end, and delete what you won’t need.
Or, if the software you are using allows, you can mark the beginning and end of each segment, and just drag the part you want to the timeline.
# 3 Organize in a logical sequence
Once you have separated all the sections you want to use, it is time to put everything together in a logical sequence.
You will notice that, during this step, it may be necessary to adjust the beginning and the end of some clips again (the sections) so that they can fit better with the previous or the later.
This makes the cuts between one image and another look smoother.
# 4 Complete with images
Imagine that you are editing a video that is a customer’s testimonial telling how your product has changed their life.
It would probably be boring if you just showed the customer talking for several minutes. In this case, it is interesting to have complementary images that illustrate what he is talking about. For example, the customer showing how he used the product or the final result.
After you have the whole base of the video assembled, that is, in the case of the example, the excerpts of the testimony are already organized in a logical sequence, it is time to place these complimentary images to further enhance the story told.
# 5 Do the sound mixing
Sound mixing is the job during editing to organize the audios within the video. As well?
When you watch a video that has background music, for example, it is common for it to start higher and then lower so that you can understand what people are talking about.
This step includes improvements in sound quality, such as reducing noise, adding background music and extra sounds, and adjusting the volume of the various clips so that they are at roughly the same height.
After all, it is very strange when you start watching a video and in the middle have a speech that is much louder or much lower than the rest.
# 6 Add captions
This is an optional step, but I highly recommend it.
Captions should be used when it is difficult to understand the person’s speech, either because it is in another language or the diction is not very good, and in videos in general for social networks like Facebook and Instagram.
Because it is quite common for people to watch these videos without audio. In this way, subtitles play an important role in conveying the message.
The addition of subtitles should be the last step to be done before rendering the video. Only after everything is ready will you know exactly what you need to be subtitled.
# 7 Render and export
To finish editing and you can publish the final video, the last step is to render and export. Rendering is the process that the program itself takes to take all the information you put into it and transform it into the final video file that will be saved on your computer. This process can take a while depending on the size of the video and the number of elements it has.
So it is important to never leave the video to export at the last minute. After all, as it is the program itself that does this process, you cannot control it.