If you have time in the Social Media world, it is not a secret for you that digital platforms make it more and more complicated for brands or influencers, by reviewing their sophisticated algorithms, getting followers or engagement organically.
In fact, Facebook recently silently changed its algorithms to penalize those who publish content that, openly, ask their followers to like, comment or share a publication.
There are many other ways to answer the big question: how to have many likes on Facebook or any other social network in 2018; The idea here will be to be more assertive according to the algorithm.
Developing a presence in social networks that is striking for customers and leads them to make a purchase is a long-term game that requires patience and a thorough strategy. In the case of unpaid content, you must contrive to truly like your audience and, in addition, help generate the purchase. Keep reading https://therecreationplace.com/social-media/5-benefits-of-customer-service-in-social-networks/
That’s why we want to share 4 tips so that this 2018 you increase the engagement of your accounts through a quality content that attracts your target audience. Continue Reading – Facebook will alert you if a government agency is spying your account
1.Make an investment in audiovisual content this 2018
In case you did not know this information, we inform you that most social media platforms get a higher score in the video content and that could improve your impressions and reach.
On the other hand, it is a good idea to have photographs and status updates to start a conversation; But nothing makes humans connect better than seeing that the person they are doing business with is real and not a machine.
And that’s where good audiovisual content comes in.
We recommend that you first study which format or video script is more in trend and can please your audience more and from there start to create an idea.
2.Ask questions (creatively)
The best and most direct, way to strike up a conversation for good social media management is to ask questions.
However, being so obvious, you need to be creative. The secret of success is not in the question, but in the way, you deliver it to your audience! Here are some ideas for you to start questioning your audience without being too invasive:
Ask your audience for an opinion about something.
Ask a question in the form of a graphic, that is, through an image. For example: Which of these would be your ideal wedding dress? (Place several options in the image).
Take a test or questionnaire to let your audience know what best describes them.
3.Connect with a social cause
It is no secret to anyone that emotional content is much more effective than something purely rational. A social cause is the maximum emotional incentive and can give your brand an extra dimension. On the other hand, do not forget to be true to your values: although the social cause for which you decide to fight does not have to be directly related to your industry or brand, it is best to fight for something that interests you. Users can know if the feeling is false for the reason you are fighting
And although it is important to raise money for a cause, it is not the only way to do it. Sometimes, care and awareness can have a greater effect and importance.
So we recommend that you ask people to share personal stories, show support and promote acts of goodwill.
Finally, we advise you to let your clients decide; And to make things even more interactive, use a survey or questionnaire to find out what causes you want to support or what your audience thinks on social networks. Read more social media news.
4.Take some time to get to know your clients and prospects as people
According to an expert from Travel Market Report, social media consultant Nick Borelli, president of Borelli Strategies, Cleveland, Ohio, once you know yourself as a brand, you must know your customers at a deeper level; and is that consumers follow digital content that creates meaningful dialogue.
“The deeper conversations that take place online come from a true understanding of who you are talking to. It is much more economical and efficient to create content, whether paid or not if you know who you are talking to, “explains the expert.
While it is true that most companies know the demographics of their clientele, not many invest in understanding the psychography that responds to the beliefs, interests of their customers and what motivates them to buy.
Therefore, it is essential that you take some time in 2018 to review your most popular publications and see what kind of conversations this content created and what your customers said in the comments.
The Facebook Insights tool can help you quickly find which posts were the most popular in terms of shares, likes, and comments. It is one of the top social networks.
In conclusion, the engagement in your social networks will not only increase , it requires you not only to know your audience very well, but also to converse with them: ask them questions, become part of their life, take an interest in their opinions and, finally, never forget that they are humans looking for entertainment and quality content.