As we live on an island with an ever-growing population, the need for space for building projects is at an absolute premium. Because land is at such a premium, the cost of land is very prohibitive. Builders looking to develop a project have the genuine problem of finding a piece of land that will not hamstring the build financially before it has even begun. Another increasingly important factor, if not the most important factor above all else, is trying to avoid using up more green belt and natural land like forest and fen for building works. Increasingly developers are looking at using extinct sites that have served their existing function and are now redundant or mothballed. These old disused industrial, mining or military sites are labelled as brownfields, and they are crying out to be developed for a new lease of life.
However, although the cost of the brownfield land is cheaper than purchasing virgin green space, costs can still run high. In some cases, the ground may need to be remediated if the use of industrial heavy metals or chemicals has been able to pollute the soil. Coal slag heaps and the remnants of the old mining equipment may well be in evidence. These will involve rusting metal or reinforced concrete. Factories of brick and stone will have to be demolished and cleared. In military sites, hangers, which have been built with asbestos or disused runways and heavy concrete bunkers, all have to be contended with for removal (unless they can be incorporated into the build!). These demolition and removal costs are worrying to the developers. However, with some revolutionary new technology, the speed at which a site can be made ready has been halved.
If cost is not an annoyance, then the speed of getting the site ready certainly is. Projects could take weeks rather than days to be prepared. The removal of items from a green space is a lot simpler than that of a brownfield. Trees and hedgerows are not as firm as brick and cement.
With office space now being called into question, as so many of us are working from home and looking for this trend continuing, high rise office space and office parks may need to be reappropriated. In the past, a fleet of tractors, diggers, dump trucks and conventional open lorries would be employed to clear the site slowly. This removal would take a considerable amount of time and human work hours.
Now with a Grab lorry, this situation is no more. A Grab Lorry Hire Gloucester based company like https://telstargrabhire.co.uk can provide the perfect answer. This ingenious device can clear sites in half the time that conventional vehicles can do it in. The premises of the grab lorry is simple. It is a standard lorry with a grab arm from a digger in the centre that can shift vast amounts of rubble. Rather than wait for the lorries to be filed, this vehicle takes out “the middleman” and reduces double handling. It can be on it’s way to the recycling site in no time at all.