To keep every one of the thousands of individual Aeroplanes that regularly take-off and land at any-one of the hundreds of Airports around the United Kingdom, Safe and Ready for Flight, takes a highly-regulated, strict, regimen of controlled, scheduled Inspections, Testing, Repairs, and Maintenance. Regular heavy maintenance checks are normally undertaken after a specific number of flights have occurred, It’s during these thorough checks that individual parts are disassembled, carefully inspected and replaced whenever necessary. Professional, experienced, reputable Aviation Specialists such as https://www.aerfin.com/beyond-fleet-services/beyond-engine who are well-established and trusted Aircraft part suppliers are often called upon to supply any of the thousands of parts that may be needed to keep these individual Aeroplane Wheels Turning.
Aircraft Maintenance is determined by several factors, the number of hours flown, the age of the Plane and the number of take-offs and landings. Billions of pounds are spent every year on ensuring these Beasts of the Skies are safe and ready to fly. On average an individual aeroplane will expect to have a thirty-year life-span, but normally the plane’s life isn’t measured in years but in what’s known as “Pressurisation Cycles”. This is because each time a plane takes flight it has to be pressurised which puts incredible Stress on the wings and fuselage.
The skilled craftsmen and women who maintain these aeroplanes rely on the precision parts that are supplied by these consummate professionals, without them the Aeroplane Wheels would not keep turning!